Friday, July 5, 2024

Second cut

cutting starts at the back field

looks like a good second cut

lunch time

so they switch to keep going

during cutting and tedding there was a skunk smell
so we're looking for the dead skunk

following the smell we found part of it
trying to prevent it from going into the bunk
we found most
but there was still one load of grass
 with a bit of a smell

filling the tank with water, 
so it can be added when it starts to stick

the merger is working

nice windrows

second field done

getting a ride

nice yield



and tires


Thursday, July 4, 2024

New table

I was looking for a bigger table
saw one for sale on Facebook

It has 3 leaves, so we will all fit around it


Wednesday, July 3, 2024


church together for the long weekend

CRC and RCA 

open house at the neighbours

horses stables

They're Hiedi's love

don't know much about them

evening visit with Ria Zeelenberg from Holland, 
who used to babysit Rien a long time ago

and with Tricia and Duane from Milverton


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Twilight meeting


hosted by Slits and schapendonk family

there were a lot of people
we only knew a few

we toured the barns, this calf housing worked for them

very large barn

ice cream desert

Monday, July 1, 2024

Knee High our anual picture


Looking for the best spot to take our picture

to much against the sun

much better!