Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Random Costa Rica

they make good coffee in Costa Rica

we tasted coffee and sugar cane

indiginous pottery in the making

they have John Deere tractors

steep "roads"

houses have fences to keep animals out

probably animal damage

tourist cars are well marked

they're trying to stop migrants

plants and flowers galour

Lots of green

walking, hope to see more dolphins

we ate good food in nice places

sushi with chop sticks

real Costa Rica food, rice and black beans

driving to the plane Rien in jeans I in shorts


5C in Toronto -4C at home


Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Most of the monkeys at the resort were white faced

apparently they like sugar
Rien took this movie 

walk accross the road and there were lots of spider monkeys

with little ones

they're fun to watch

we heard a strange sound

found out it was howler monkeys

Monday, March 3, 2025

Costa Rica outings

one of the programs we joint was kayacking

into the sunset

we saw pelicans and dolphins (not pictured)

they do have nice sunsets

we went on a couple of hikes

they have huge cactusses

we climbed a few hills

nice views

they got some birds

and Iguanas

pretty cool animals

the cows are mostly Brahman

they can satand the heat

lots of egrets following the cows