Saturday, January 24, 2009


My interview questions came from Jozien (her blog is The name of her blog is: Keeper of wild places. Jozien lives in the Yukon, but she used to live in the Netherlands. She is Rien's cousin, and used to be my classmate and friend growing up. We started connecting again through blogging. She makes beautiful pictures and gives us a glimpse of life in the north.

One of the wonderful things about the blogsphere is the way networks and interconnections form spontaneously. To help us all to get to know one another, bloggers have been interviewing one another. My interview follows; then it is my turn to interview any other bloggers who would like to be interviewed by me :)
Let me know if you would like to be interviewed by me; the rules are at the bottom of this post.
The questions will be unique for each interview.

Q#1. What brings a smile to your face?
Answer: Living with Rien, he makes me laugh.

Q#2. Raising children - what is important to you?

Olga & Anja – Sea of Galilee
Olga is a great girl. She has a living faith, and is
confident and dependable.
Marc is sociable, interested in other people, and loves to help.
He puts his faith into practise.
Q#3. What do you like about the spot where you are blogging most often?
Answer: I like the backgrounds we put on the computer.
This is my favourite.

Q#4. What is normal in your life now, but you never heard of when growing up,(besides computers)?
Answer: We sometimes had snow in the Netherlands, but I had never heard about flurries or squalls.
Q#5. What is your favourite 'wild place' or experience?
Answer: Algonquin

Here are the instructions if you wish to be interviewed by me:
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me".
2. I will respond by e-mailing you five questions (I get to pick the questions)
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
I will post a list of those who have agreed to an interview so everyone can follow along. Now it's my turn to interview any other bloggers who would like to be interviewed by me. :-) I'm going to keep a list up here of the names and blogs of every brave soul who volunteers, so we all can follow along. Please check out their blogs to see the wonderful things they have created!


jozien said...

Thanks anja! I love it and it brings a big smile to my face. You did an amazing job compiling all of it.
All pictures are great, i couldn't say which is my favorite. Probably the one of Rien reading the paper. Thanks for the introduction! :)

Olga said...

You can pick me to do an interview on Mommy :D

Anja said...

It was a lot of fun to do it Jozien. Rien reading the newspaper while checking the cows for heats has been a favourite for years. The "busy life" of a dairy farmer.

Anja said...

Olga, I'm thinking about how to word the questions. I do have the subjects, so you'll hear from me soon.