Friday, May 1, 2009

DQ celebration

We celebrated with a Dairy Queen blizzard
The end of "screen-free week" It wasn't always really screen free because at school they still watched movies.


jozien said...

I don't like it when they watch movies at school.
And why don't the schools participate in no-screen week?
Who organized that week anyway?
I had never heard of it.

jozien said...

Oops, i mean screen free:)

Olga said...

I always thought it was the schools that organised it, so I find it kind of strange that they watched movies in school.
I'm kind of jealous that you got to go out for ice cream without me :(

Marc said...

Hey Olga
you didn't do no screens week so you didn't get ice scream I was the only one that did it!