Tuesday, April 29, 2014

SHIP; Is anything beyond Forgiveness?

our topic was: "Is anything beyond forgiveness?"

Angie works on multiple levels

Megan found these cute little blackboards

Ben Volman spoke. His parents were holocaust survivors.
He talked about Simon Wiesentaler being asked to forgive. He couldn't and walked away. Corrie ten Boom had a guard from their concentration camp come up and ask for forgiveness and wanted to shake her hand. She only could in God's strength. and when she did she felled this warmth going from her head to her fingers. (this sure doesn't happen all the time when you forgive someone) Forgiveness is not a feeling, it is an action.
the one thing I remember most is that Corrie ten Boom worked a lot with victims and those that were able to forgive went on to a more fulfilling life. Those that couldn't forgive were crippled mentally and physically

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