Monday, April 20, 2009

Balancing act

All Ontario Coffee Break Rally Drama: How to keep our "plates" in balance. The plates were: Husband, work, child, volunteer work, sports / Gym, help sibling, help aging parents.
We talked about the plates that we try to juggle ourselves and the plate(s) that we would like to eliminate from our lives.
I'm OK at the moment
Later a real time juggler did a plate balancing act.

All songs and speakers were interpreted for the deaf.
See also the beautiful plants at the stage. I saw some well know last names by the greenhouse donations.


jozien said...

interesting, Anja. You say at the moment you are ok. I think when we follow our hearts (one could say, be the person God meant us to be) as good as we can, everything falls in place, that whole list mentioned is taking care of. Yes?

Anja said...

I do believe it is important to check once in a while if you are not to busy. I love small groups but I need the summer off to get enthousiatic again. We can also get so busy that we don't even hear God. At the moment our live is in ballance and I love it!