Thursday, August 1, 2024

Mixing old manure

The barn build in 1998 has different sizes lanes
in the racetract system
we would not recommand this
the manure doesn't mix good because of this

we knew there was quite a crust on the manure 
under the feeding allee
but it was much bigger than we anticipated

the plan was to get this big agitator and get the manure mixed

the crust looked like cement

nothing much happened

we saw some foam coming

the agitator has an interesting name

It was noisy in the barn

The crust had to be broken up by hand
but in the end it did get mixed

lifting the slats of the next lane we saw some liquid
unfortunately, that was all the liquid
the rest of the lane also had this huge big crust

so the breaking up into manageable pieces started again
It helped to see that the other lane was now all mixed


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